5min banana brownies

A healthy and delicious brownie recipe!

These healthy vegan and gluten free banana brownies are my favourite post dinner snack to make. They literally come together in 5 minutes and you can cook them directly in the microwave to save time. And best part is you can half of third the recipe for a smaller single serve option 😇

They have a delicious fudgy and gooey texture with a rich flavour from the chocolate and peanut butter and hints of banana. They are flour and oil free and made with 100% wholefood ingredients so you can even have them as part of a balanced breakfast with some high protein yogurt!



🍽️ 6 portions


  • 3 ripe bananas

  • 40g cocoa powder

  • 60g penaut butter

  • 60g dark chocolate (optional)


  • Mash the bananas with a fork. Then mix in the cocoa powder until well incorporated. Finally add the Penske butter and mix again. You can add some chocolate chips as well (I added dark)

  • Microwave for 5 minutes until set or bake in the oven for 20min at 180C

FAQS and Tips

  • You can switch the peanut butter for your favourite nut butter such as almond or hazelnut!


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